On Tuesday, 29th September 2020, the process of registering the company Idea and its affiliated companies in Serbia to Fortenova Group was concluded. The procedure of transferring Idea’s assets from Agrokor to Fortenova Group has thus been formally completed.
Seized Mercator shares have to be returned to Agrokor
The Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia passed a judgement pursuant to which the shares of Mercator, that were by decision of the Public Competition Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za varstvo konkurence – AVK) temporarily seized late last year, have to be returned to Agrokor without delay.
The State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Slovenia had filed a request for the protection of lawfulness with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia whereby the State Attorney’s Office essentially stated that the Slovenian AVK, by seizing the Mercator shares from Agrokor, had acted unlawfully. With its final and non-appealable judgement the Supreme Court has confirmed such claim and changed AVK’s decision, thus halting the procedure that AVK had brought against Agrokor, in which the Mercator shares were seized. The Supreme Court has thus enabled Agrokor to freely dispose of the shares.
The Supreme Court declared the seizure of shares to be unlawful, argueing that AVK had no legal grounds to issue a ruling to seize the shares. In particular, Item 5 of Art. 201 of the Slovenian Misdemeanor Act stipulates that the decision to seize property can be made if there is a »concern that the perpetrator may hide or travel abroad during the infringement proceedings or prior to the execution of the decision«. The Supreme Court established that it was conceptually impossible for a legal person to »hide, travel to an unknown location or abroad« and that there were no substantive legal grounds to seize the shares from Agrokor. The judgement indicates that, by passing the unlawful seizure decision, AVT completely wrongfully applied Art. 201 of the Slovenian Misdemeanor Act, the goal and intention whereof solely apply to natural persons for whom there is a possibility to »hide or travel to an unknown location«. For those reasons, the Supreme Courts states, Mercator shares have to be returned to Agrokor without any further delay.
This judgement of the Supreme Court provides for the return of property to Agrokor slightly more than a month after the Court Okrajno sodišče of Ljubljana already altered AVK’s decision on the amount of the fine and reduced the original amount of as much as EUR 53.9m to EUR 1m, explaining that not having reported the concentration was not the result of the »intention to bypass the concentration filing in order to cause possible harmful effects on market competition«, but was rather »the result of negligence of the responsible person Ivica Todorić«. Due to the fact that the court has not accepted all arguments, Agrokor appealed against this decision to the High Court of Ljubljana and has continued to apply legal means to refute the argumentation used by AVK in establishing the alleged breach of provisions.
Fabris Peruško, Chief Executive Officer of Fortenova Group, to which the Mercator shares are to be transferred, said: »We welcome the judgement of the Supreme Court, which shows that by protecting lawfulness, key institutions also improve the investment climate in Slovenia. We expect for the free disposal of shares to be made possible within shortest time and are still planning to realize the transfer of Mercator shares to Fortenova Group by the end of this year.«
Peruško also used the occasion to reiterate that transferring Mercator to Fortenova Group as soon as possible was primarily in the direct interest of Slovenia’s largest retail chain, its suppliers and the entire economic environment in Slovenia. »Due to its multiplying effect on the economy, Mercator is a company of systemic importance for the Slovenian economy. By the transfer from Agrokor, a company in bankruptcy, Mercator will find itself in the ownership of the stable and capital-strong Fortenova Group, whose ultimate goal is to make Mercator a strong local-supplier-oriented regional retailer«, Peruško said, concluding: »As already stated several times, in Mercator as part of Fortenova Group the entire Slovenian economy will gain a financially strong and stable partner and buyer of its goods. The cooperation with local suppliers and the maintenance and development of shorter supply chains is one of the key determinants of Fortenova Group’s regional retail development strategy and constitutes an important competitive advantage. After the Mercator shares are transferred to Fortenova Group, the local suppliers can therefore continue to count on their position at Mercator.«
14 July 2020 – Fortenova Group’s DR Holders have today at the General Assembly meeting voted in favor of changes in the Group’s Board of Directors by adopting the resolution to approve the acceptance of resignations of two of its members – Mr. Alexander Torbakhov and Mr. Paul Foley.
Mr. Torbakhov’s resignation has been prompted by the fact that he has been appointed the CEO of a major Russian telecommunications company VimpelCom.
Mr. Foley has decided to focus cooperation with Fortenova Group fully on its retail operations through the roles of a member of Supervisory Boards of Mercator in Slovenia and Konzum plus in Croatia, that he already holds. Mr. Foley is also expected to become the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Konzum, thus putting to best use his lifelong experience in the retail industry.
On 9th January 2020, Agrokor received the second instance judgment of the Commercial Court of Belgrade dismissing Agrokor’s appeal and confirming the first instance judgment of 8th March 2019, ordering Agrokor to pay to the plaintiff Banca Intesa ad, Belgrade, the amount of EUR 15.2m plus interest and to settle the costs of the litigation procedure. Pursuant to the first instance judgment, that has now become final and non-appealable, Banca Intesa Belgrade can try to institute enforcement proceedings over the assets of Agrokor in Serbia.
Agrokor shall continue to fight by legal means given that Banka Intesa Beograd already recovered has already happened its entire claim in question in accordance with Agrokor’s creditors’ Settlement Plan by having received equity and debt securities, in particular depositary receipts in the nominal amount of EUR 1.34m and convertible bonds in the nominal amount of EUR 5.4m, whereby it has become co-owner of Fortenova Group holding a 0.5 per cent share.
You can read more here.
Okrajno sodišče in Ljubljana has rejected Agrokor’s appeal to the ruling of the Public Agency for the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Slovenia (Javna agencija za varstvo konkurence) dated 16th December 2019, whereby the Agency issued an order to temporarily seize Agrokor’s shares in Mercator as security for the enforcement of the non-final ruling of the Agency of September 2019 imposing a fine of EUR 53.9m on Agrokor due to an alleged misdemeanor – failure to file for concentration.
Agrokor expresses regret over the decision of the competent court in Ljubljana that has made the Agency’s decision final and non-appealable. As the explanation of the decision of the court Okrajno sodišče of Ljubljana is unconvincing and legally weak, Agrokor still holds that the Agency’s decision is unconstitutional, arbitrary and unlawful as well as that in passing the ruling on the interim seizure of shares the Agency also grossly breached procedural provisions. In order to achieve the annullment of the Agency’s final and non-appealable decision, Agrokor shall use all available legal means against the decision of the Agency and the decision of the Court Okrajno sodišče of Ljubljana, all with a view to exercising its ownership authorities in Mercator. You can read more here.
The Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Protection of Competition (Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za varstvo konkurence (AVK)) passed a decision on December 16th, 2019 whereby it has temporarily seized the shares of Mercator d.d. from Agrokor d.d. Unprecedented in the working practice of this Slovenian regulatory agency to date, this decision amounts to an expropriation of the private property of Agrokor d.d. by way of an interim seizure of Mercator shares, without any underlying court decision and with no valid legal justification.
The seizure is based on a disproportionate, non-final penalty in the amount of EUR 53.9 million, as well unprecedented in the practice of this regulator. This penalty, imposed by AVK in September 2019 in relation to a concentration case, has been appealed by Agrokor. The non-final penalty is clearly disproportionate since the company in question, Costella d.o.o., generates only slightly more than EUR 1 million in revenue yearly. This company was acquired by Ivica Todorić, ie. Agrokor AG from Switzerland, back in 2016.
The seizure of Mercator shares is in itself also largely disproportionate, since the shares in question have an appraised value of in excess of EUR 140 million, and the appealable penalty – that is being contested – is in the amount of EUR 53.9 million.
Moreover, according to AVK’s explanation, the interim measure of seizure of Mercator d.d. shares was passed pursuant to the Misdemeanor Act, in particular the provisions of that Act which in their essence apply to traffic offences or similar offences, which are discovered in flagranti, committed by foreign nationals – natural persons in the Republic of Slovenia.
Therefore, Agrokor considers this act of seizure of shares as a gross, intentional misapplication and misuse of law, committed by a state regulatory body that is supposed to enforce the national laws and whose head officers are appointed by the Parliament of Slovenia as the supreme legislative body of the country.
By way of background, the Misdemeanor Act which has been applied in this case to seize shares, essentially provides for the possibility of interim seizure of the driver’s license or car from a foreign national who was for example driving too fast, for as long as the fine is not paid, as there is a reasonable likelihood that the accused may escape, which would result in possible non-payment of the fine. The core pre-conditions that must be satisfied under the Act in order for a temporary seizure to be imposed, are that the infringer would either escape abroad or seek to hide himself. However, it goes without saying that neither of these pre-conditions can be fulfilled with respect to a validly existing foreign legal entity (given that such an entity can neither “run away” nor can it “hide itself”). In addition, the purpose of the law is to provide immediate protection. The written resolution has to be served on the infringer within 3 hours and the courts should decide on the appeal within 48 hours, whereas in the case at hand AVK waited for two months to seek temporary seizure, which in addition casts doubt on AVK’s intentions.
Although AVK has in its practice to date never seized any property from anyone as a means of security for a payment, let alone pursuant to the Misdemeanor Act, which has been in force since 2006, in the current case, by inadequately applying that law, it has now seized Agrokor d.d.’s 69.57 per cent share in Mercator d.d., allegedly as a means of security for paying the non-final penalty in the amount of EUR 53.9 million, against which Agrokor has sought court protection based on firm arguments.
By way of reminder, due to not having reported the concentration of the companies Agrokor AG and Ardeya Global Ltd., AVK passed a decision on September 24th, 2019 imposing a fine in the amount of EUR 53.9 million on Agrokor as legal person and EUR 5.000 for the accountable (natural) person. According to AVK’s explanation, by that concentration Agrokor acquired a 100 per cent share in the company that owns the Slovenian company Costella d.o.o. and was, pursuant to the Slovenian Competition Act, allegedly obliged to report the concentration within 30 days of signing of the takeover agreement. As such a report was not filed, on April 9th, 2019 AVK instituted proceedings to assess the concentration ex officio.
Agrokor has both publicly and directly explained that it considers this decision of the AVK to be completely unsubstantiated, since all decisions related to the above described acquisition were made and executed solely by Ivica Todorić alone, without the knowledge or participation of any other member of the then Management Board of Agrokor d.d. and thus the acquisition had nothing to do with Agrokor d.d., but with Agrokor AG from Switzerland, which has not been under control of Agrokor d.d., but was initially run solely by Mr. Todorić and since 2017 by an administrator/commissioner appointed by the Swiss court, who in October 2019 sent the concentration form to AVK on behalf of Agrokor AG.
Furthermore, the decision of AVK imposing the EUR 53.9 million fine is not final, as Agrokor filed a request for court protection against it, which was submitted to AVK on November 8th, 2019. But AVK has unexplainably not yet forwarded this request for court protection, filed by Agrokor, to the competent County Court of Ljubljana in order to allow the court to decide on the request for court protection and has instead by its own decision, without participation of the court, on December 16th, 2019 initiated the temporary seizure of Mercator d.d. shares owned by Agrokor d.d.
To put the disproportionality of the AVK ruling imposing a fine on Agrokor in the amount of EUR 53.9 million, as well as of the seizure of Mercator shares as alleged security for the collection of that fine into context, it is important to note that Costella d.o.o. is a company that globally generates only slightly more than EUR 1 million of revenue per year. This fact clearly indicates how disproportionate the magnitude of the fine imposed by the AVK is, let alone the seizure of Agrokor’s Mercator shares. It is also worthwhile mentioning that back in 2006, when the Misdemeanor Act was undergoing the Slovenian Parliamentary procedure, the Parliaments’ legislative and legal body expressly warned about the possibility that in some instances seizures under the law might be significantly disproportionate.
As regards the magnitude of the fine, by way of comparison, the European Commission fined Canon EUR 28 million for not having reported a concentration by which it acquired control of Toshiba Medical Systems and has previously in similar circumstances fined Electrabel EUR 20 million with respect to its acquisition of Compagnie Nationale du Rhône, where the acquired company had generated at least EUR 25 million in not less than three countries, otherwise the European Commission would not have been involved in the first place.
Historically, the AVK has never imposed a fine of more than several hundred thousand euros. In fact, its previous highest fine ever in the context of acquisitions and takeovers amounted to around EUR 150.000 (belated concentration report), while the fine for Pop TV in the amount of EUR 4.9 million was later declared null and void by the court in the judicial part of the misdemeanor procedure.
The above arguments, individually and collectively, clearly indicate that AVK’s ruling on the fine is unsubstantiated and the Extraordinary Administrator of Agrokor has to express serious concerns that the ruling has only been passed to serve as a means to expropriate Mercator shares.
The seizure of Agrokor’s Mercator shares was executed without any court decision, pursuant to a law that as a rule applies mostly to traffic offences. Such actions, irrespective of the final outcome, render Slovenia exceptionally insecure for foreign investors and call into question Slovenia’s commitment to compliance with Article 63 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which ensures that the fundamental principle of European Union of the free movement of capital between EU Member States is respected, and certain provisions contained in the European Convention on Human Rights, including the protection of private property.
We have today informed the Embassies of all EU member states in Slovenia, as well as the US and Russian Embassies, given the origin of the key investors in Agrokor, of the aforesaid facts. The Extraordinary Administrator of Agrokor shall continue to protect the company’s property with all available legal means.
On 26 September 2019 in Cleveland Fabris Peruško was presented with the Turnaround and Transaction Award (TMA) for the financial restructuring of Agrokor, proclaimed by the industry in the USA to be the most significant international procedure of its kind in the world in the ‘international transaction of the year’ category and one of the world’s 12 most significant international restructuring procedures in 2018.
Fabris Peruško, Extraordinary Commissioner of Agrokor and CEO of Fortenova Group, accompanied by the domestic and foreign legal advisors Tin Dolički of the Law Firm Bogdanović & Dolički and Wolfram Prusk of the Law Firm Kirkland & Ellis, accepted the award on behalf of the entire team that ran the restructuring process of Agrokor during the Extraordinary Administration Procedure which resulted in the Settlement Plan between the creditors and its successful implementation.
„This award is yet another great international recognition to the demanding process of rescuing an exceptionally significant Croatian and regional company. We are particularly pleased to receive the recognition form professionals working on similar projects worldwide on a daily basis. The fact that in a competition of more than 100 global projects they have ranked the Extraordinary Administration Procedure at Agrokor among the best speaks on behalf of the demanding nature and scope of the restructuring and its impact on both the national and the regional economies“, said Fabris Peruško, Extraordinary Commissioner of Agrokor and CEO of Fortenova Group on the occasion of receiving the award and added:
„I would like to point out that the TMA award is an acknowledgment to a number of individuals who have in the various phases made a great contribution to the success and conclusion of each individual stage of the process. Hence this is an opportunity to thank them all once again. Amongst others – thank you to Ante Ramljak, the Extraordinary Commissioner in charge of the first phase of the procedure as well as the advisors and advisory teams that supported the work of the Extraordinary Administration and over the course of that stage as well as later in the process made a key contribution to stabilizing the company and achieving a settlement among the creditors. Our suppliers and business partners and particularly all our employees as well as customers were one of the backbones in saving the system. The Government of the Republic of Croatia, particularly Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and former Deputy Prime Minister Martina Dalić, played a crucial role not only in securing the legal framework for the Extraordinary Administration Procedure, but also later during the process, especially at times at which they invested their human and political capital in the successful completion of other key stages in the process, such as achieving the settlement among the creditors.
Unfortunately I cannot mention everyone by name, but thanks to all of them Fortenova Group – the company created by the implementation of the Settlement Plan of Agrokor’s creditors – today still operates on all markets of the region, employing more than 52 thousand people and slowly by surely reducing its leverage and becoming a healthy and prosperous company.
We have all together demonstrated exceptional social responsibility and proved to have the social capital required to deal with very complex problems. The international professional public has very well recognized the true effect of Agrokor’s restructuring, which was accomplished over a very short period“, said Fabris Peruško, Extraordinary Commissioner of Agrokor.
The TMA award is one of the world’s most important industry acknowledgements, as TMA is one of the world’s leading non-profit associations assembling experts who participate in restructuring projects worldwide. The award is presented by the Awards Committee that consists of thirteen members representing a cross section of TMA professionals – from legal to accounting and finance professionals and the winners are selected in a rigorous peer-review process of vetting the procedures nominated for the award in several rounds of analysing and valuating the data of the transactions